Cornelian Cherry Gin Elixir
The Cornelian Cherry Gin Elixir combines the unique sour-sweet flavor of Cornelian cherry with the citrusy zing of lime and the spiciness of ginger beer. The addition of Aperol or Campari adds depth and complexity, making this cocktail a distinctive and refreshing choice for any occasion.
You Will Need:
- 50 ml Cornelian Cherry Gin
- 20 ml Fresh Lime Juice
- 15 ml Honey Syrup (1:1 honey to water)
- 20 ml Aperol or Campari
- 100 ml Ginger Beer
- Ice Cubes
- Fresh Cornelian Cherries or Lime Wedges for Garnish
- A Sprig of Fresh Mint (optional)
Steps to Make:
Prepare Your Glass: Chill a highball glass or a coupe glass in the freezer. Once chilled, fill it with ice cubes to keep your cocktail cool and refreshing.
Mix the Base: In a cocktail shaker, combine 50 ml of Cornelian Cherry Gin, 20 ml of fresh lime juice, 15 ml of honey syrup, and 20 ml of Aperol or Campari. Add ice cubes and shake vigorously for about 15 seconds to blend and chill the ingredients.
Pour and Top: Strain the mixture into the chilled glass over the ice. Top up with 100 ml of ginger beer, pouring slowly to maintain the ginger beer’s effervescence.
Garnish: Garnish with fresh Cornelian cherries or a wedge of lime on the rim of the glass. For an added touch, you can also place a sprig of fresh mint for a hint of aromatic freshness.
Stir and Enjoy: Gently stir the cocktail to combine the flavors without losing the bubbles, and enjoy the vibrant, tangy, and slightly spicy profile of your Cornelian Cherry Gin Elixir.