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Bar Menu

At Ginnery Bar, we invite you to become the creator of your perfect Gin & Tonic. Choose from our exclusive selection of handcrafted British gins, each offering its own unique character—whether it's the classic London Dry Gin, the sweet Quince, the low-ABV Sloe Gin Liqueur, or the floral Botanical Gin. Pair your choice with a range of premium mixers and fresh garnishes to design a G&T that’s perfectly tailored to your taste. Our knowledgeable staff is here to guide you through the process and help you craft a drink that’s uniquely yours.
  • London Dry Gin 50 ml

    Our Gin its harmonious blend of juniper berries, citrus zest, and subtle spices, this gin is perfect smooth for a refined Gin & Tonic.

    • 50 ml: Enjoy a standard serving of our classic gin.
    • 100 ml: Upgrade to a double pour for just 24,60 zł.

    For a personalized touch, add your favorite fruits or herbs to enhance your gin experience. Whether it's a slice of fresh cucumber, a sprig of rosemary, or a twist of citrus, make it uniquely yours.

    Botanical Gin 50 ml

    Botanical Gin is the refreshing and harmonious blend of aromatic herbs and floral notes.

    • 50 ml: Enjoy a standard serving of our aromatic gin.
    • 100 ml: Upgrade to a double pour for just 24,60 zł.

    At our bar, you can enhance your gin experience by adding your favorite fruits or herbs.

    Cherry & Chocolate Gin 50 ml

    Discover our Cherry & Chocolate Gin, blending the rich flavor of ripe cherries with delicate notes of chocolate. 

    • 50 ml: Enjoy a standard serving of our distinctive gin.
    • 100 ml: Upgrade to a double pour for just 24,60 zł.

    In our bar, you can add your favorite fruits or herbs to enhance the flavor and create a cocktail that's uniquely yours.

    Sloe Gin 100 ml

    Our Sloe Gin is a liqueur with 20%, infused with ripe sloe berries. It offers a smooth, sweet flavor with a hint of tartness.

    • 100 ml: Enjoy a standard serving of our Sloe Gin.
    • 150 ml: Upgrade to a larger pour for just 27 zł.

    We recommend enjoying this gin neat to fully appreciate its unique character.

    Quince Gin Liqueur 100 ml

    Our Quince Gin Liqueur is a delightful gin liqueur with 20%, infused with the vibrant flavor of ripe quinces. It offers a smooth, sweet taste with a hint of fruity elegance.

    • 100 ml: Enjoy a standard serving of our Quince Gin Liqueur.
    • 150 ml: Upgrade to a larger pour for just 27 zł.

    We recommend enjoying this gin neat to fully appreciate its rich and unique flavour.

  • Premium Indian Tonic Water - Franklin & Sons

    A delicate blend of Staffordshire spring water, natural quinine extract from Ecuador, and the finest British sugar, perfect for mixing with gin.

    Premium Light Tonic Water - Franklin & Sons
    Natural plant and citrus aromas, like Franklin & Sons Premium Indian Tonic Water, but offers a lighter version without compromising on taste, perfect for mixing with gin.
    1886 Original lemonade - Franklin & Sons

    Lemonade made with Staffordshire spring water and South American lemon juice, perfect for mixing with gin.

    Natural Rose Lemonade - Franklin & Sons

    English rose petals, lemon juice and sparkling water are blended to make this floral twist on a traditional lemonade.

    Hedgerow Elderflower lemonade - Franklin & Sons

    A lightly floral twist on our 1886 Original Lemonade, with handpicked elderflower, juniper flavours, lemon juice blended with sparkling water.

Our Bar
Whether you're out with friends or celebrating something special, Ginnery Bar has a cozy, welcoming vibe that makes every visit feel special. Come for the drinks, stay for the great atmosphere.
We invite you to visit and enjoy your time at Ginnery, where nature and taste are combined into one unique experience.
Activities of our bar
You're invited to the grand opening of Ginnery Gin Bar!
Join us for an unforgettable night of gin and great live music at Ginnery Gin Bar on Nowogrodzka Street!